Message from President


On behalf of the nearly 3,000 alumni of the great Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dhaka University, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Dhaka University Biochemistry Alumni in North America. The main objective of DUBANA wholly and solely is to connect all the DU-BMB alumni all over the North America to get benefited from each other experience.

The world gets more complicated with every passing day. We get involved with our families and work and suddenly we’ve lost touch with those outside that close circle. The Alumni Association can help you stay connected to those friends and to the vast resources available here. We strongly believe that by working together, we can:

Help strengthen our society by volunteering on a committee

Recognize and honor other graduates who have succeeded in their careers

Mentor new alumni by serving as role models and advisors

Increase awareness and career guidelines, after all, your success is our success

At the same time, I would like to request all the alumni to explore the possible ways we can give back to the Department to whatever degree we are comfortable with. And I do not mean just monetarily, though that is, of course, always welcome. There are many ways to give back, from career and academic mentoring to volunteering time, sharing the experience, mentoring new alumni, even simply attending academic and social events in the department when we are visiting. As we will find, giving back has another benefit: it feels good and provides happiness.

With warmest regard,
Mohammad Arif, PhD

President, DUBANA